Blog Post 5

Introduction to Open Education:

Open education is a teaching and learning concept and practice that promotes widespread learning and knowledge sharing through open educational resources and tools. It emphasizes the universality and diversity of educational resources. It allows us to learn what we want to learn no matter where we are and when we want to learn it. The importance of open education in today’s learning environment is reflected in its ability to break down traditional barriers to education, provide flexible learning pathways, and it allows us to learn as long as we live. Open education allows us to have a platform for fair access to education without any discrimination happening.

Understanding Open Pedagogy:

Open pedagogy is an educational model that emphasizes the sharing of resources and knowledge, such as a variety of video materials and a variety of open textbooks. To give an example of video teaching, when I was learning Korean before, I would often look for various teaching videos on YouTube to practice my Korean pronunciation. Sharing and collaboration are the key principles of open pedagogy, and they change traditional educational practices by making the relationship between teachers and students more interactive and collaborative. By providing diverse resources and tools that enable us to learn at our own needs and pace, OER enhances the autonomy and flexibility of learning. For example, with our Brightspace, teachers can record and upload lecture videos to Brightspace so that we can watch lectures at any time and engage in self-directed learning.

The Roles of OERs:

Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning, and research resources that are free for anyone to access, use, modify, and share. These resources include textbooks, course outline, lectures, assignments, quizzes, labs, and multimedia materials such as video and audio.

The availability of OER changes and impacts student engagement and academic success in a variety of ways. First, free access to high-quality learning materials significantly reduces the cost of education and makes higher education affordable for more students. This financial relief has a profoundly positive impact on low-income student groups in particular.The flexibility of OER allows teachers to develop learning styles and learning resources that are more suitable for students, increasing motivation and engagement.

In addition, the use of multimedia materials enriches the traditional mode of learning by providing more interactive and hands-on opportunities that help enhance our understanding and mastery of course content. Multimedia materials such as video, audio and interactive charts make learning more lively and interesting.

Open Licensing Explained: 

Open Licenses are legal licenses that allow anyone to freely access, use, modify, and distribute certain works. These licenses can support educational practices by allowing teachers to share and adapt instructional materials to better suit the needs of their students. Open licenses clarify what uses are permitted through clear terms, legally exploiting and adapting the resources of others to create learning models that are better suited to students.

Challenges and Solutions:

Resource quality and applicability: It might be difficult to find resources that are of high quality and applicable to a particular curriculum.
Solution: Educators can work together to evaluate and recommend resources, and create a resource quality assurance website.

Copyright and intellectual property issues: Open license terms might be complex.
Solution: Educators should carefully understand open licenses to ensure proper use and distribution of resources.

Cultural and linguistic barriers: Some resources may not be applicable to students from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
Solution: Encourage diverse resource creation and translate existing resources to accommodate diverse students


  1. beibei

    Hi Zhining,
    I couldn’t agree with you more that open education breaks down the barriers of traditional education through open educational resources and tools, providing us with flexible learning paths and enabling lifelong learning anytime and anywhere. Open teaching emphasizes the sharing and collaboration of resources and knowledge, making the teacher-student relationship more interactive and enhancing the autonomy and flexibility of learning. Open educational resources not only reduce the cost of education, but also enrich the learning experience through multimedia materials, promoting student participation and academic success. Open licenses allow teachers to share and adapt teaching materials to better meet student needs. Despite challenges such as resource quality, copyright issues, and cultural and language barriers, these problems can be effectively addressed through the cooperation of educators, a deep understanding of open licenses, and the creation and translation of diverse resources. Awesome blog!

  2. tianshan

    Hi Zhining

    Your blog post has detailedly demonstrated the Open education and its accessibility at anywhere and anytime. It’s about breaking down barriers and ensuring everyone has fair access to education. Open pedagogy takes this further by focusing on sharing and collaboration. For instance, when I was learning Korean, YouTube videos were a huge help. This approach turns learning into a more interactive and student-centered experience. Tools like Brightspace, where teachers upload lecture videos, are great for self-directed learning. OERs, like free textbooks and multimedia materials, make education more affordable and engaging. They help students, especially those with tight budgets, and make learning more interactive. Open licenses, such as Creative Commons, let educators and students freely use and adapt materials. Understanding these licenses is crucial for using resources properly. Challenges like ensuring quality and dealing with complex licenses exist, but collaboration and creating diverse resources can help overcome these issues.

    Good job!

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